The EnMark EZ Shop is hiring. Apply in person or go online to or call 843-869-7719.
Enmarket - Horizon EZ ShopsPressley's at the Marina is hiring part-time afternoon/evening help and bussers. Call 843-869-9226 or apply in person at 3702 Docksite Rd.
Pressley's at the MarinaPreferred Quality Painting is hiring. Looking for EXPERIENCED PAINTERS with own tools and transportation. Please contact Shawn Saxton for more information at 843-870-8368
Preferred Quality PaintingThe Local's Pizzeria is hiring EXPERIENCED CASHIER. 2801 Myrtle St. 843-909-1122
The Local's PizzeriaHiring LINE COOK Chargrill, Fryer, Griddle. Hours available 7:30am -9pm, many shifts open 7 days a week. Full Time, Seasonal or Part Time. Will train, or bring your experience.$18 entry level. $20+ with verifiable experience, Serve safe, etc. Weekly Pay. Employee meal. Flexible shifts. Family atmosphere. Apply in person 8am-11am, Tuesday-Friday or submit resume to If you choose to continue your career journey with us, we also offer a benefits package that is
Tortugas Mexican GrillIf you are friendly and like to shoot the breeze with locals and tourists alike, we have got the perfect job for you! We are looking for a reliable, energetic person to greet customers, assist with kiosk food orders and maintain the dining area. $16/hr base with bonuses. Opportunities for increased pay with additional responsibilities. Full Time, Part Time, or, Seasonal. FT All year comes with generous benefit package. Available hours 7 days a week 9am-9pm. Flexible 3-4 hour shifts.
Tortugas Mexican GrillWE ARE HIRING! Seeking Baristas and Kitchen Help - Seeking Both Permanent and Seasonal Employees! Competitive Pay + Tips! To apply, stop by or send your resume to: 114 Jungle Rd. Unit F
Marsh Moon Cafe